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Session Formats


Fast-Track Sessions (30 minutes)

Presenters provide opening remarks or a very brief presentation of a concept, idea, program or strategy to prompt an informal and collaborative conversation among participants about a provocative topic.


Workshops (60–75 minutes)

Presenters share information, resources and success stories, engage in an interactive dialogue, invite questions and facilitate idea exchange with audience members.


Roundtables (60–75 minutes)

Join your peers in engaging discussion centered on critical topics and program areas. Moderators will lead attendees in exploring subjects that daily impact AAAs and Title VI programs’ efforts to help older adults and people with disabilities live with optimal health, well-being, independence and dignity. Join these small group explorations for the chance to listen, learn, connect and share challenges and best practices.


Pre-Conference Intensives (2 to 4 hours)

Longer format presentation to provide the opportunity for a deeper dive and more in-depth engagement on a critical or emerging topic/trend in the Aging Network.


Mobile Workshops (Offsite, 2 hours)

Presentations by local agencies that are held at an offsite location as a way to showcase local programs in action.